Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Episode 69 is up...

What was the most influential moment of 2009? What's the most anticipated moment of 2010? The 10th Musers tackle these questions and more.


  1. Stephen, you can't talk shit about Symphony of the Night without playing it! I played it for the first time ever this summer on PSN. I am not an NES nostalgiaphile by any stretch but it was amazing! Maybe the best execution of a 2d platformer ever (it's been too long since I've played Super Metroid to say for sure).

    Anyway, these lists are always dumb. They scream "slow news month".

    And minor gripe: I'm still tuning in after 69 episodes so I obviously dig the show but I am going to start playing a drinking game when I listen. Every time someone says "COD4", I'm going to take a shot.


  2. It's interesting how you mention just watching Bioshock.
    My wife's a big fan, though she never touched the controller. She's never been into games, especially not FPS's, so it was nice to find a game where we could have a shared experience.

    The only games we actually play together tend to be of the LEGO variety... so my most anticipated game of 2010 is probably LEGO Harry Potter...HA!
